Rolls-Royce Middle East

The region ranks among the world’s top three markets for ultra-luxury automobiles with the target group being comparably young, digitally savvy and social. We created a campaign that was based on a very old photography technique, combined with modern photography, staged on a digital platform. It was the unique story of a professional photographer and Dawn. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Middle East provided Richard Allenby-Pratt, who has been living in the region for a very long time, with a Dawn for a very personal road trip. 

Richard used a 50-year old camera with a 100-year old lens for more artistic automobile shots as well as a high-tech digital camera for advertising and marketing purposes. The challenging part of this campaign was that – even though the whole trip was planned with the support of a production company – there were a lot of uncontrollable elements that we couldn’t have planned or foreseen, like the weather or road conditions. We had to be flexible and spontaneous. And fast in order to catch the most scenic locations at the best time of the day for the best light.

The result: Stunning photos – both analogue and digital – of the new Rolls-Royce Dawn in front of the most breath-taking local sceneries. Richard’s diary of the road trip with Dawn was promoted on the brand’s website and on social media, too.


